
5e sidekick essentials pdf
5e sidekick essentials pdf

5e sidekick essentials pdf

This makes them more of a slippery specialist than a striker. The Expert is a lot like a Rogue, minus the high-damage sneak attack. If they're Dexterity based, they can probably afford to shoot foes from the back line until they are more resilient. Keep in mind that if a Warrior is Strength-based, they'll often be in melee range. This means a greater risk of death at lower levels, especially without proper gear. If the party is short on muscle, the Fighter has a shield-sibling or the Ranger needs a hunting partner, this specialty is a good choice. The Warrior is like a Fighter with some Barbarian mixed in, meaning they're sturdier, more likely to critically strike and (so long as they're humanoid) can use all weapons and armor.

5e sidekick essentials pdf

Related: D&D: Why 5e Has Been So Successful At Bringing In New Players After that, the player and DM choose which Sidekick specialty makes sense: the Warrior, the Expert or the Spellcaster. But in some circumstances, for the sake of fun or flavor, a DM could choose to allow it. This makes recruiting certain creature types, like mindless oozes or constructs, dubious at best. This likely means a player has done them a big favor, made one or more successful Persuasion or Animal Handling checks (depending on who's up for recruitment) or both. To become a Sidekick, a creature has to be "friends" with a player character. In other words, before getting too attached, it might be best to choose the Warhorse with 19 Hit Points over the Mastiff with five. So if a Sidekick of that sort is going to last, a player is better off looking for a friend with great strength or unique abilities. The Unearthed Arcana document, however, doesn't make a creature's attributes any better or worse for being a Sidekick - at least not at first. The rules in the Essentials Kit fully replace the chosen creature's original attributes, which safeguards against recruiting a Commoner with a ten in every ability score. This kind of bloat gets worse if the Sidekick ends up being dead weight.

5e sidekick essentials pdf